
LaJ Lexicon

Words I use, from time to time, that some people don't understand (in no particular order):

Carboodle (noun) - Pronunciation: kär-bü-d'l  Definition: My choice; Generic.  Example: "What do ya'll want for dinner?" "I dunno" "Okay, we're having Carboodle!"

Jibblies (noun) - a man's external sex organs.  "It was so cold I froze my Jibblies off!"

Tump (verb) - to knock something over; usually liquids.  "Aww, man!  I tumped my beer over!"

All Y'all (plural pronoun) - the plural of Y'all

Bay, Bee - nicknames for my daughter Bailey.

Harp, Harpie, Scoota-boota - nicknames for my daughter Harper.

Boo, Sweets - affectionate nicknames for either of my daughters; not requiring me to remember their name.

Z Z - nickname for my sporty, black Mazda 3.  Zoom-Zoom!

Liv - nickname for my wife's Toyota Sequoyah.  Short for Leviathan.

Nina Patina - nickname for our cat Nina.

Smojj - nickname for our cat Smudge.

Peps, Pester - nicknames for our dog Pepper.

LaJmOn - nickname my collage mates gave me after I spent many weeks writing a simple monitor program for the Commodore 64.

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