
Velvet Elvis

Velvet ElvisLike most information junkies, I have a reading list a mile long. Stacks of books gathering dust on my bedside table, the back of the Crapper and beside my favourite comfy chair (much to my wife's dismay). I think books attract dust even better than my electro-statically charged TV tube. Don't get me wrong, I've actually read some of these books all the way through. Some I've started and for one reason or another, usually just "life", I haven't finished it.
One book I've been determined to read (and finish) is Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell. All my friends have read it. Our Youth Pastor has taught from it. Several copies have been given to our Senior Pastor... given... but read?!?!

Anyway, everyone seems to gloat over this book. They get the big eyes, glowing... cock their head slightly to the side and murmur, "Yeah... you gotta read that". Now I know why. Wow. (Can I use an exclamation mark here?) Wow!

This book crystallizes so many things from my own thoughts and beliefs. It's almost scary. I keep thinking "I could've written this, cuz' that exactly what I think." Of course I couldn't have, but it almost seems like reading a priori knowledge... I've thought this before... Deja Vu!

Rob has a writing style that is very easy and flowing. He makes his points very concisely using only a few examples and only end noting scripture and book references. It's been purely a joy to read.

I highly recommend it to everyone. Any new or non-Christian might want to have a bible handy to look up the references he uses. Other than that, it is a joyful and inspired read about ancient and modern beliefs from a Judeo-Christian perspective.

1 comment:

Bailey Johnson said...

I liked it, but I wonder if the book would be interesting or informational to me.....

Bailey ....:-----<0: